
Duke Nukem 3D

Purple Splat

Sorry, there are notips for this section at the moment. Check out some of the cheats listed below, but don't use them too much!

|| Cheat Codes ||
DNKROZ .  .  .  God Mode Toggle
DNCORNHOLIO .  .  .  God Mode Toggle
DNSTUFF .  .  .  All weapons, ammo, and key cards
DNWEAPONS .  .  .  All weapons and ammo
DNITEMS .  .  .  All items and key cards
DNINVENTORY .  .  .  All items
DNKEYS .  .  .  All key cards
DNA .  .  .  Takes power from monsters
DNCLIP .  .  .  No Clipping Mode
DNSHOWMAP .  .  .  Full Map
DNHYPER .  .  .  Steroids
DNUNLOCK .  .  .  Opens all doors
DNSKILL# .  .  .  Changes skill to level #
DNVIEW .  .  .  Chase plane view
DNMONSTERS .  .  .  Monsters will disappear as soon as they see Duke
DNCASHMAN .  .  .  Makes Duke throw money when you press the space bar
DNRATE .  .  .  Displays the frame rate
DNCOORDS .  .  .  Displays current coordinates
DNDEBUG .  .  .  Displays debugging information
DNTODD .  .  .  Displays message: Register Cosmo Today
DNBETA .  .  .  Displays message: Pirates Suck
DNALLEN .  .  .  Displays message: Buy Major Stryker
Purple Splat

Please suggest your own cheats using the form below. If you want to submit your strategies, please use this form. Remember to clarify the cheat codes and cheat effects carefully.

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Duke Nukem 3D
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