
Dune II

Purple Splat

The screenshots are all taken from the game. The Atreides are the House which is for peace, but they find warfare can be the only path to success. Ordos just want money, and lots of it. They come from an ice world, therefore all their goods have to be traded. Harkonnen are the evil House, they don't care how many people die in order to obtain the most spice melange.

Dune II: Atreides
Dune II: House Selection
Dune II: Atreides Intro
Atreides House Selection Atreides Intro
Dune II: Ordos Intro
Dune II: Harkonnen Intro
Dune II: Region Selection
Ordos Intro Harkonnen Intro Region Selection
Dune II: Harkonnen Repair Facility
Dune II: Harkonnen mentat
Dune II: Ordos Mentat
Enclosed Repair Facility Harkonnen mentat Ordos Mentat
Dune II: Raider Streak
Dune II: Raider Streak
Dune II: Windtrap Needed
Atreides Battle Raider Streak Windtrap Needed
Dune II: Harkonnen Defence
Dune II: Heavy Troopers
Dune II: Harvester Empty
Harkonnen Defensive Harkonnen Troopers Ordos Empty Harvester
Dune II: Harkonnen Starport
Dune II: Sardaukar Base
Dune II: Map Editor
Harkonnen Starport Sardaukar Base Dune II Map Editor
Purple Splat

All screen shot suggestions are very welcome, just contact Nahoo with some details and you'll be contacted in not time at all.

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Dune II
Atreides Army
Ordos Army
Harkonnen Army
Hints And Tips
Sceen Shots
Frequently Asked Questions